Full Worked Random Forest Classifier Example

Code Snippets for RandomForestClassifier - PySpark

The general plan is

  1. Extract all string columns; to encode them afterwards with StringIndexer

  2. Extract all numerical columns to impute nulls; if the model complained while fitting.

  3. Create a Pipeline for all the steps you want to do. e.g. StringIndexer, Imputer, OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler (though is Standardizing isn't needed in RandomForest), VectorAssembler (to create the "features" column). Don't forget to leave out the target variable, which has to be in binary 0/1 form, or integer for multiclass, not strings.

  4. Fit the Pipeline and transform the dataframe.

  5. Split the dataframe into training and testing datasets, using randomSplit . Don't forget to set the seed argument in randomsplit such that you get the same results later on if you ran the same experiment again.

  6. Instantiate RandomForestClassifier model. At this point don't include the "features" column name in the arguments as the featuresCol, we will add it to it later. For some reason it errored out when I included it while instantiating the model. Don't forget to set the seed also here, for reproducibility.

  7. setFeaturesCol on your instantiated RandomForestClassifier model.

  8. Fit model to training set.

  9. Save the fitted model for later use if needed. (and how to load it afterwards)

  10. Predict on holdout set. Save dataframe with those predictions just in case.

  11. Instantiate the BinaryClassificationEvaluator or the MulticlassClassificationEvaluator depending on what you have.

  12. Call the evaluator on your predictions column.

  13. Create the Confusion Matrix, with a workaround

  14. Create the Feature Importance plot, with a workaround.

The Imports

import pyspark.sql.functions as f
from pyspark.sql.types import *

from pyspark.ml.pipeline import Pipeline
from pyspark.ml.feature import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler, VectorAssembler, StringIndexer, Imputer

from pyspark.ml.classification import RandomForestClassifier
from pyspark.ml.evaluation import BinaryClassificationEvaluator

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Extract String and Numerical Columns

Other than printSchema() , you can see the types of all the columns in a PySpark dataframe with the command df.dtypes which will return tuples, of column name, and its type. We will use this next.

You can choose to compute whatever differences and calculations you want from your TimestampType and DateType columns, afterwhich you might want to drop them from your dataframe.

# dropping TimestampType and DateType columns from the dataframe
df= df\
.drop(*[col[0] for col in df.dtypes if col[1] in ('timestamp','date')])

Then you want to make sure the ID column(s) and the target variable are execluded from the predictor columns,

execlude_from_Xs= ["target_variable","id_columns"]

#the predictors, of all types
Xs= [item for item in df.columns if item not in execlude_from_Xs]

Now we're ready to have those StringType columns in one list, and all numerical predictors in another list. Make sure, you're selecting only the predictors in the following step!

to_encode= [col[0] for col in df.select(*Xs).dtypes if col[1]=='string']
numerical_cols= [col[0] for col in df.select(*Xs).dtypes if col[1]!='string']


You can count how many columns you have of each type with the following snippet,

from collections import Counter
Counter([col[1] for col in df.dtypes])

This will give you a great overview of what you got. For example, if you have a "decimal" type column, you might want to convert them back to "double". I know if you want to convert the dataframe to Pandas at any point, it will complain about the DecimalType columns as not efficient.

Creating a Pipeline to Do All Feature Engineering


I'm against imputing null values with median. A good data scientist should look deeper into the data and understand the domain in order to replace missing values, or find another way to handle them. Yet, I'm listing the Imputer here for a quick and dirty analysis if you must.

If you want to learn more about the argument and what they mean, read the official docs. I find 3.1 docs for PySpark are a lot easier to read.

pipe_stages= []

# all string(categorical) variables will be encoded into numbers, each category by frequency of label
sindexer= StringIndexer(inputCols= to_encode, 
                        outputCols= ["indexed_{}".format(item) for item in to_encode],
pipe_stages += [sindexer] # must add each step to the Pipeline

# # dummy numerized strings into a sparse vector. (I didn't need this step, so I left it out)
# ohe= OneHotEncoder(inputCols=["indexed_{}".format(item) for item in to_encode], 
#                   outputCols= ["indexed_ohe_{}".format(item) for item in to_encode],
#                   handleInvalid='keep',
#                   dropLast=True)
# pipe_stages += [ohe]

# impute missing numerical values, with the median (though bad practice)
imp= Imputer(inputCols= numerical_cols,
             outputCols=['imputed_{}'.format(item) for item in numerical_cols],
             strategy= 'median')
pipe_stages += [imp]

# create the un-standardized features vector
assembler= VectorAssembler(inputCols= ["indexed_{}".format(item) for item in to_encode] + ['imputed_{}'.format(item) for item in numerical_cols],
                           outputCol= "feats",
pipe_stages += [assembler]

# scale all features. Maybe you want to do this Before encoding the string columns?
ss= StandardScaler(inputCol="feats",
                   withMean= False,
pipe_stages += [ss]

pipe= Pipeline(stages= pipe_stages)

Fit the Pipeline and Transform the Data

df= pipe.fit(df).transform(df)

Split the DataFrame to Train and Test

train, test= df.randomSplit([0.75, 0.25], seed=42) 
# train size is 75% and test size is 25% of the data

Instantiate RandomForestClassifier

rfc= RandomForestClassifier(numTrees=70,

Read the docs for the rest of the arguments.

Set Features Column on the Instantiated RF Classifier


Fit to Training Set

rfc_model= rfc.fit(train)

Save the Fitted Model

# this is a DataBricks workspace DBFS path

Loading the Fitted Model in a Later Notebook

from pyspark.ml.classification import RandomForestClassificationModel
rfc_model= RandomForestClassificationModel.load("/FileStore/my_folder/fitted_models/RFC_Jul272021")

Predict on Holdout Set

preds= rfc_model.transform(test) 

Very important and awesome thing about Spark, the predictions are columns added to the original dataframe, so you don't lose anything, and you don't need to merge back to know who's prediction is this.

Save the Dataframe with Predictions, Just in Case


Scoring (Evaluating) RFC Model

# Instantiate the evaluator
# similarly with MulticlassClassificationEvaluator
bce= BinaryClassificationEvaluator(rawPredictionCol= "rawPrediction",
                                   metricName= "areaUnderROC")
# Apply
  • In PySpark, when predicting with a classifier, you'll get 3 columns: predictionCol, probabilityCol and rawPredictionCol .

    • The first one is the 1/0 of your binary classification,

    • The second one is the equivalent of predict proba in Scikit-Learn i.e. the probabilities of predicting positive or negative class, with the same defaults 50-50 that is, if >0.5 it's class 1 and if <0.5 it's labeled class 0.

    • The last column is for Spark's internal use. It's the column you feed to predictor and evaluator etc.

    • If you really want to, you can change those default namings while instantiating the classifier. In our example, the RandomForestClassifier has arguments to change the names of those columns.

  • There are two metrics for BinaryClassificationEvaluator, "areaUnderROC" which is the default, and "areadUnderPR"

Creating the Confusion Matrix, with a Workaround

from pyspark.mllib.evaluation import MulticlassMetrics

preds_float= preds\
.select("prediction", "target")\
.withColumn("target", f.col("target").cast(FloatType()))\

cm= MulticlassMetrics(preds_float.rdd.map(tuple))


#show the confusion matrix as a pandas df for clearer presentation
             columns= ["true positive", "true negative"],
             index= ["predicted positive", "predicted negative"])

I chose to go fancy and show the Confusion Matrix as Pandas dataframe, but the print statement I commented out is enough to show the CM; toArray is a method available only on pyspark.ml.linalg.Vector column, and it converts this Vector to a Numpy array.

You can subsititute the words "positive" and "negative" with whatver your classes actually represent, for cleaner and easier to understand presentation.

Source There are a couple of resources, this is the one I got the heart of this code from. There is another I didn't follow because I doubted the features names are the correct order with respect to features importances; my dataframe has several hundred columns.

Plot Top 20 Most Important Features, According to RandomForestClassifier

def get_features_importance(dataset= df, model= rfc_model):
    Careful! this function is hard-coded inside for feature names. 
    I created earlier `to_encode` and `numerical_cols` lists for Xs names; I'm using that here.
    sparse= model.featureImportances
    vals= sparse.values
    idx= sparse.indices
    feature_names= [(to_encode + numerical_cols)[i] for i in idx]
    importances_df= pd.DataFrame(zip(feature_names, vals), columns=["feature", "value"])
    return importances_df
# note: I created the "features" vector from combining `to_encode` and `numerical_cols` lists, in that order. Thus, I can retrieve it in the same manner.
rfc_importance_df= get_features_importance().sort_values(by='value',ascending=False)



To quickly convert all DecimalType columns to DoubleType columns in PySpark,

decimal_cols= [str(col[0]) for col in df.dtypes if col[1].startswith("decimal")]

df1= df
for c in decimal_cols:
    df1= df1\
    .withColumn(c, f.col(c).cast("double"))

Last updated